You can create stealthseminar account from below link :
After creating account and login, you have to create webinar and after you create webinar you can see this screen.
Now click on copy to clipboard and you will get a link copied.
EX :
in above link “JlToyY” is the SHORTID you have to use while create custom form.
Now we are moving to kickpages editor :
You have to create 3 form fields(each filed name must be same as defined):
Type: text
Name : name
Type : text
Name : email
Type : dropdown
Name : start_time
start_time will fill automatically by times added in stealthseminar
You have to add one button to submit form displayed in bellowed image

- Check “Form Submit button”
- Select “Custom Action”
- Method “POST”
- Action URL :{SHORTID}/registration
- Select form fields : name, email, start_time
Page Settings:
After creating page got to page setting -> Custom Includes
Add this script tag in “Code for Head Tag”
<script src=""></script>
And then publish the page, on published page you can see start_time drop down will fill with time automatically.