Sometimes you need to dynamically pass data to your website. For example you can personalize a landing page for each of your visitors based on their email address, name or whatever data you might be storing about them. You can set up your autoresponder to generate the specific URLs in your emails and each visitor will see a personalized landing page.

For this to work, you will need to add a custom JavaScript code to your website, you can do this by clicking on "Settings" then "Custom Includes" then add this JavaScript code into the "Code for Body Tag" field

 After you are done, you will need to add your tokens to the content of your website.A token can be added into any text of the website, being that a paragraph, button, title, etc. The tokens are defined as [[token]] and you can add as many as you would like as long as they are unique. Please note down the tokens used, since you will need them later while creating your unique URL.

After adding the custom code and the tokens to, make sure you publish your website and you are working with the final, published URL of your page. It is time to add the custom tokens and they values to the URL.

My final published URL will be so i need to modify this one, by adding URL variables with the same name as my tokens. For example, if i want to populate the [[title]] token in my content, then my URL will be Please note the added variable with the question mark. The question mark will be always required after your URL, then the token you have defined without the [[]] then an equal symbol and the value you want to be displayed. Now if someone visits that URL, it will not see the [[title]] token but he will see "Mr" in place of it.

You can add more variables based on the number of tokens you have used by splitting them with a "&" symbol and you can use ANY number of tokens and URL variables. If someone visits the URL now, then he will see:

Let's say you are using this from your autoresponder, personalizing the websites with the visitors email address and name, but some of your contacts are missing the name field for example, so you can't pass it through the URL to be displayed, for this reason, you can use fallback values. For example if you do not have someone's name stored, than you will not display his name but "Friend" instead. Or you do not have his email address then you can display "your subscribed email" or phone number, etc.

in this case, your URL should look like this: Please note that the fallback value is split from the default value with a "#" then right after comes the fallback content. So if "Mr" is not defined in the URL, then "Ms" will be displayed instead and if "John" is no defined, then "Jane" will be displayed instead.

For example... (Please note the missing value for the title token). This will display:

If you are a bit techy, you can use any special characters in the value or the fallback, as long as they are URLEncoded.

If the token is set in the content but no value or fallback is defined in the URL, then the token will not be displayed at all.

If you need any help, get in touch at and we will be happy to assist.